Bass Hug

May 01, 2020


Bass Hug is a cushion device that vibrates to the bass sound of the music you are listening to and allows you to feel the music by holding it. I wanted to create a device that would enhance the experience of listening to music at home. This device was inspired in a situation where I was unable to go to a live concert due to the impact of the COVID-19. In my experience, it works particularly well as a use for meditation and mindfullness by focusing on the music and vibration. The device uses Raspberry Pi with Python programming to analyze the frequency of the music and control the vibration of eight vibrating motors in response to the bass.


  • The cushion analyzes the frequency of the song in real time, and the eight vibration motors in the cushion vibrate according to the magnitude of the bass sound from 0-250Hz.
  • You can use this device for any song by connecting a music playing device such as your smartphone with a cable.
  • You can raise or lower the threshold of the magnitude to be detected, by pressing the button provided. This allows you to enjoy a wide variety of songs according to your mood.

Analysis and Discussion

See April 28 - May 4: Live With a Robot of Your Own Making written at the bottom.


Cushion, Vibration Motors, RaspberryPi, Python


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